Okay, on to New Years Resolution.....I pulled up my list from last year (Goodness, I've got go get with the program!) and crossed off those that I accomplished:
1. Start the completion process of my VW Van wall quilt.
2. Start the completion process of Gail Pan's Christmas BOM wall quilt (pattern came from here)
3. Start the completion process of Gail Pan's Christmas pattern (pattern came from here)
5. Do a Which Witch Halloween wall quilt (similar to my Which Elf wall quilt)
6. Dust off and start at least two quilt patterns I haven't touch yet from my quilt pattern box (would you believe some of them are as old as m 15 year old son?)
7. Start my VWBug BOM wall quilt
9. Start the slip covers for my sofa (I finally found more fabric and actually starting cutting them...yay!)
Three out of Ten,,OK, no excuse now 'cause if these projects are still incomplete next year, then I just don't know what to say. Hope the procastination bug don't bite me this year.
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I wish only good things to come for everyone. Peace on Earth!
What dish did you cook up for New Years and what does it represent?