For my first December post, I thought to start off to reveal my "WHICH ELF?"
As I was browsing for something new to do few a months ago, I stumbled upon a blog (click here to see the blog) and saw the cutest whimsical quil ever!t.....My mind instantly thought of Hawaiian prints for the elf's clothing using my children's extra fabric from their younger years....
I just HAD to have it so I searched the web and wallah....I found it here at Among Friends Quilt Shop. With my busy schedule, I gave myself a reasonable deadline to complete this fun looking project no later than December 15th. And yes, it is complete! Can you believe that! Such a simple and fun project! Can't wait to make the witches for next Halloween
So here's my journey to complete this fun piece (not a tutorial, I'm still learning all this "blogging" thing):
1 - I rec'd my box of goodies, aren't they beautiful!
2-Trace the leggings, shoes, and skirts onto HeatnBond iron on adhesive (be sure to follow manufactuer's directions carefully)
(I used a light box to trace but you can definitely use a window to tape the drawing onto, place your iron on adhesive over and trace the items)
Iron traced items onto desired fabric then cut them about 1/4" over the traced lines, you will cut them exact later.
3- Cool then cut on exact traced lines. Peel backing and place onto white background (already cut).
4-Carefully placing them exactly as you want them to be adhered to fabric fiirst, then iron to secure the adhesion.
5-Cut out borders, pin and sew as directed (coming along!)
6.-Sandwich the pieces together (bottom-muslin, middle-batting, top-elves!)
Pin and get ready to quilt
7-Quilt the top as desired (I'm totally a beginner so I opted for the stipple method, that way I can get away with the obvious "mistakes" Added some swarkovski crystals from Creative Crystal , what a difference it made!
8-Okay, I was on a roll and added bells and pom poms to the elves shoes
9-Crystals and a cute little bow for the girl elf's stiletto.
10-I couldn't stop, I added some red and white velvet flowers I found at Wal-mart which I think turned out really cute!
11-Add the binding, more crystals on the elve's skirts and, "WE ARE DONE!" Somehow Coca Cola and Christmas seems to go togther well so I thought to take a picture of it here. Pardon the unprofessional shot but that's what I am, unprofessional!
Watcha think? I think the fabric they sent with the kit is perfect!
More Christmas things to follow...."Come back soon, 'ya hear!"
Broiled Lamb Chops
1 day ago
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